The Macallan 18YR 700ml
KSh 49,500
Crafted from a combination of European sherry seasoned oak casks, American sherry seasoned oak casks and American ex-bourbon oak casks, the Triple Cask Matured 18 Years Old showcases and exemplifies the vibrant union of three spirits. Characterised by the smooth, delicate and complex character of the entire range, eighteen years of maturation gives this expression the greatest depth of flavour. The nose is exotic with coconut, vanilla, orange, caramel and chestnut. The palate is soft and velvety with orange citrus, vanilla, dark chocolate, mature oak, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon. the finish is long and lingering with more chocolate, orange, almond and toffee. Exquisitely aged and expertly married together, this 18 year old trinity of spirits produces an exotic single malt that sits at the peak of the Triple Cask range.