The Balvenie 12 Year DoubleWood 700ml
KSh 10,500
The Balvenie DoubleWood single malt whisky gains its distinctive character from being matured in two different wood types. Each stage lends different qualities to the resulting single malt whisky. David Stewart MBE takes whisky that has spent at least 12 years in traditional whisky casks, American Oak ex-bourbon barrels and hogsheads, and moves it to Spanish oak ex-Oloroso sherry casks for an additional nine months. The whisky is then transferred to large oak vessels called “tuns” for 3-4 months to allow the whiskies from the individual casks to marry. The result is aromas of sultanas, sherry, chocolate, honey and vanilla, smooth flavours of vanilla, raisins, nuts, cinnamon and caramel and a long, warm, sweet and spicy finish. This rich and complex dram is an excellent example of what the Balvenie distillery can craft.