Talisker 10 Year 750ml
KSh 6,400
Produced at the oldest distillery on the Isle of Skye, one of the most remote, windswept yet beautiful landscapes in Scotland, Talisker single malt Scotch whisky has been made by the sea since 1830, with its smell and taste instantly connecting you to its rugged maritime home. This 10 year old stalwart of the family is double distilled and then aged for a minimum of 10 years in American oak casks to produce a powerful whisky with a spicy complexity. On the nose: peat, smoke, sea water, apple and citrus. On the palate: dried fruit, pears, more smoke, sea salt, barley malt, oak and black pepper. The finish: huge, long, warming and peppery with a hint of brown sugar. One of the most awarded single malt Scotch whiskies in the world.