Stolichnaya Vodka 1 Litre
KSh 2,100
Since 1938, Stoli has held the bar high for quality vodka, combining innovation, creativity, and daring with century-old traditions to create something both refreshingly modern and exceptionally classic. It’s the kind of belief that turns ideas into icons. Whether in a martini for James Bond, straight-up by the ladies of Ab Fab, or venturing into space, it is about bringing uncompromising clarity and quality to the world. Stoli Vodka is a classically styled, exceptionally smooth vodka: velvety classic, quadruple-distilled, blended with icy glacial water and carefully charcoal filtered three times. Crystal clear in color with marshmallow, mineral and mild fruit peel aromas, a soft, supple entry leads to a smooth, medium bodied palate with pastry frosting, cracked pepper and citrus rind flavours.
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