Hibiki Japanese Harmony 700ml

KSh 27,500

Kanzen, or complete, Hibiki Whisky is a harmonious blend of innumerous malt and grain whiskies which are meticulously blended to create a full orchestra of flavors and aromas. Hibiki was launched in 1989 to commemorate Suntory’s 90th anniversary, and is not only Japan’s most highly awarded blended whisky, but among the most prestigious and honoured whiskies in the world. Hibiki Japanese Harmony is a blend of Japanese malt and grain whiskies from Yamazaki, Hakushu and Chita, drawn from 5 different types of cask, including American white oak casks, Sherry casks and Mizunara oak casks, and presented in the brand’s trademark 24-faceted bottle representing the Japanese seasons. On the nose: apricots, orange blossom, lychee, honey, cinnamon, clove and apple. On the palate: orange marmalade, apricots, honey, caramel, chocolate, clove and oak. The finish: long and lingering, with brown sugar, spice and a hint of oak. Seductive, blossoming and enigmatic, it celebrates an unrivaled art of blending, fine craftsmanship and a sense of luxury from the House of Suntory.

