Glenmorangie 18 Year 700ml
KSh 22,400
This elegant 18 Year Old Extremely Rare single malt Scotch whisky is part of Glenmorangie’s Prestige Range. It begins its journey as the silky, fruity spirit from giraffe-high stills that is steeped in American oak casks for fifteen years, after which a portion is transferred into Oloroso sherry casks for three more years as the rest remains in bourbon casks. Once 18 years have passed, everything is reunited to create a rounded yet complex balance of sweet, floral lushness. Tangy marmalade notes of citrus, caramel, cinnamon and stewed fruits give way to creamy, rich flavours of butterscotch, honey, peaches and dates with the slightest hint of malted wood smoke in the background. The long finish lingers with the sweetness of dried fruit, hazelnuts, tangy oak and caramelized orange. Warm and enticing.