Glenfiddich 30 Year 700ml

KSh 86,000

Every cask used in this incomparable single malt Scotch whisky is personally nosed and tasted by the distillery’s expert Malt Master, ensuring the whisky achieves its rich character and seductive complexity. Only casks that pass his exacting standards are handpicked and then married together to achieve their final sublime harmony. The rarity of this single malt is unquestionable – there are only ever a handful of vattings of 30 Year Old a year. This sublime and truly precious whisky is a harmony of subtle sherry and fig notes beautifully orchestrated with rich dark chocolate flavours. A finely balanced nose, with substantial oakiness matched by fruit, coffee and luscious sherry notes. The taste is complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness. Very rich with a mix of dates, nuts, vanilla and oak, leading to an exceedingly long, honeyed and warm toffee finish. A whisky that every Glenfiddich fan should try at least once.

