Glenfiddich Excellence 26 Year 700ml

KSh 60,000

Excellence 26 Year Old is a rare and aged single malt Scotch whisky that has spent 26 long years carefully maturing in American Oak ex-bourbon casks. This expression was created to honour Glenfiddich’s line of continuous family ownership since William Grant founded the distillery in 1887. Rich with notes of lush vanilla, light oak and spice, this exceptional dram is one of its most desirable expressions yet. The nose is soft and delicate with a beautiful floral character and touches of passion fruit. The palate is vibrant with a compelling balance of dry tannin, toffee and soft brown sugar vanilla sweetness. A deep oak flavour gradually builds, with hints of spice, charred pineapple and liquorice shining through to a pleasing, warm and complex finish. Great for experiencing a true vintage Single Malt of outstanding quality with exceptional attention to detail of the finished product.



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