Ardbeg 10 Year 700ml
KSh 7,000
Named World Whisky of the Year in 2008, Ardbeg Ten Years Old is revered around the world as the peatiest, smokiest, most complex single malt of them all. Non chill-filtered, it does not flaunt the peat; rather it gives way to the natural sweetness of the malt to produce a whisky of perfect balance. On the nose: bonfire smoke, zesty citrus, black pepper, sea spray and a hint of dark chocolate. On the palate: peat smoke, lemon, lime, toffee and brine with notes of pepper, currants and coffee. The finish goes on and on: long and smoky with tarry espresso, aniseed, toasted almonds and traces of soft barley and fresh pear. A phenomenal, well-balanced whisky packing powerful peaty deliciousness, Ardbeg 10 Year Old is a favourite of many whisky lovers around the world.
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