Moet & Chandon Brut 750ml
Ginato Melograno Gin 700ml
Ginato Pompelmo Gin 700ml
Glenmorangie 10 Year 700ml
What's New
Gin Mare 1 Litre
KSh 6,400
Martini Rosato 1 Litre
KSh 2,100
818 Tequila Anejo 750ml
KSh 9,750
818 Tequila Blanco 750ml
KSh 8,000
Our Favourites
Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select 1 Litre
KSh 17,000
Astoria Amarone 750ml
KSh 7,500
Rooster Rojo Reposado 700ml
KSh 4,950
Ferrari Brut 750ml
KSh 5,600
Ignatius Chicha
13:56 04 May 21
An excellent variety of spirits and wines. My go to shop for Whiskys...and at competitive prices
Steven Odhiambo
09:51 10 Dec 20
The go to shop for all your liquor and wine needs.The prices are amazing beats all.
Baljit Sokhi
13:56 01 Jun 20
Team Vintage is always helpful, they have good stocks and decent pricing, Cheers Guys ????
David Adriance
14:17 23 Jun 19
My local guys. Friendly and personalized service. Always a pleasure to pop in.